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The Oklahoma Daily - Greg Boyd
"And then there is the dancing. For the first act, Choreographer David Scotchford has crafted several exceedingly delightful dances: most notably the precise (and flawlessly carried out) blend of perfectly timed foot stomps and synchronized dance moves for “Blow High, Blow Low”.
"But the crown jewel of OU”s “Carousel” is the extended ballet that makes up much of the second act. It is stunning, and OU does it justice, with Audra Bryant (as Julie and Billy’s daughter Louise) and Kelly Methven (as a carnival barker) providing the most indelible moments, as they masterfully execute a series of eye-popping lifts."
"[The] dance impresses not merely because it’s eye-popping. Rather, it astounds because it’s based in believable and convincingly portrayed emotion: exactly what Rodgers and Hammerstein intended when they set out to revolutionize musical theatre. "
The Oklahoman - John Brandenburg "Nearly stealing the show, even more dramatically, was “Blow High, Blow Low,” an all-male first act paean to masculinity, performed on portable piers."

Click on the article heading to link to the original Swedish articles. Note: the excerpts below have been translated by Google.
Norrköpings Tidningar - Sandra Wall
“The dance was amazing. More professional than I have ever seen on a Swedish stage.”
Aftonbladet - Jan-Olov Andersson
“...funky song and dance numbers.”
“Dirty dancing" feels unusually lavish, with ...delicious choreography”
Uppsala Nya Tidning - Bjorn Stenberg G
“Sweet music, but mostly groovy dancing, arises. Because this is actually a dansikal. Dirty Dancing in the stage version tells the most of the story through dances.”
Svenska Dagbladet - Karin Helander
“The version by the China Theatre is a an all-through professional performance with high pulse, musical competence and sovereign dancers who let themselves go in the rumba, tango, jive, merengue, waltz and cha cha.”
“In secret rooms, dirty mambo is being danced, advanced couple dancing giving full sexual expression and physical enthusiasm.”
“It is the contagious sensual dance, accompanied by pumping live music, that bears the production.”

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Michael Bettencourt --- scene 4 magazine
“Vegas-style ensemble dancing (sharply choreographed by David Scotchford)”
“...and watch for the dancers, who manage to live large within their tight muscled choreography.”
Aaron Riccio
“Farrell's solution is to rely on his eclectic videography--a lot of digital effects and live editing--and crack aesthetic team (David Scotchford's highly suggestive choreography, paired with shiny glam-rock costuming).”